XP PRO Scooper and Rake-Spade Set Bundled with100 HEAVY Dootie Bags - Pooch Approved Products, USA

XP PRO Scooper and Rake-Spade Set Bundled with100 HEAVY Dootie Bags

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Scooper and Hybrid Rake-Spade Set Bundled with 100 Count HEAVY Dootie Bags. Best for Large Dog Poo Yard Cleanup. Quick, Clean, Convenient.

  Clean, Quick, and Convenient! GoGo Stik XP Pro Pooper Scooper, EZ Dootie Hybrid Rake, and Storage Clip for Clean and Quick Dog Pet Waste Cleanup. Patented.

  Save Your Back! No Bending Over. Both XP Scooper and EZ Dootie Rake-Spade have Very Strong and Lightweight FRP Handles, 37in.with comfort grip. Unlike Flimsy Plastic Handles. No Metal or Springs to Rust.

  SAVE – Scoop Pounds of Poop in Same Bag. Scoop till bag fills. Use Any Plastic Grocery Bag or Use Form-Fit Dootie Bags. Since You Can Scoop More, You Use Fewer Bags! Includes 10 Free Dootie Bags for Quick Startup.

  100 Count Heavy Dootie Bags Extra Large Poop Bags with Easy Tie Handles Help to Keep Your Hands Clean. They are Among the Very Largest Multi-Use Bags Available and are Leakproof. Great for All Dog, Cat, and Other Pet Waste Cleanup.

  Heavy Dootie Poop Bags for Dogs or Kitty Litter Boxes. Made With Corn Starch Extra Large Dog Poop Bags are a Great Fit for Your GoGo Stik XP Pro pooper scooper, the GoGo Stik ST Catch-N-Go scooper, and Swivel Bin Type Scoopers. Ideal for CAT Litter. Great for Disposing of Trash or Dirty Diapers in Cars, Trucks, or Your SUV.

  Dispenser Box is Recycled Kraft. Easy to Dispense Bags from Punch-Out on the Back of Box.



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GoGo Stiks are the Quick and Clean Solution for Hands-Free Cleanup! Keeps Your Hands, Scooper and Yard Free of Nasty Dog Waste.

This is Alec, the Inventor of the GoGo Stik Pooper Scooper tools and Dootie Bags. These tools were designed to work with most any plastic bag with or without handles even though we provide best fit e-friendly Dootie Bags. That said, though I have no experience with the specific bags you’re asking about, I have to believe that they would be able to be used. For good bag loading demos, kindly check out our short YouTube quick tip videos about loading various types of bags onto the GoGo Stik pooper scooper. Just copy and paste “youtube gogo stik bag loading” into your search bar in your browser.
Happy Scoopin’ & Catchin’!
Alec Beaton
Inventor & Founder
Pooch Approved Products, USA

Yo can use almost any bag. I even use Walmart bags in a pinch.
By John Monahan Jr on July 15, 2019
I’m not sure , wouldn’t see y not, I use those plastic shopping bags
By Raymond howard on July 15, 2019
I’ve used all kinds of bags, big and smaller ones without ties and bags with tie handles. I haven’t found any that didn’t work. I got this due to having back surgery and had a no bending restriction but I will continue to use this after as it is just so much neater.
By Beverly Martin on July 15, 2019

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This product comes with a  Warranty. Contact manufacturer before buying new one..
By Richard on March 13, 2019

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Good Question. This is Alec, the inventor of the GoGo Stik tools. The very best answer is for you to see a short video on youtube. Here’s one, “FAQ – How do you Scoop up a soft mess in grass. Put your GoGo Stik to work – Day 2”. This is an actual short video I took in my yard. My retriever was not feeling too well for a number of days. The yard of course still needs to be cleaned up. Take a look and see what you think. You may be moderately surprised. Don’t forget, the scooper’s blade can be used as a scraper too. Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me.
Happy Scoopin’!
Alec Beaton
Inventor & Founder
Pooch Approved Products, USA

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Yes. The biodegradable bags are called Dootie Bags by Pooch Approved Products, USA. There are 10 sample Dootie Bags that come with the GoGo Stik pooper scooper. These bags are large and were designed for a snug fit on the GoGo Stik ST scooper. They can be purchased in the 100 count dispenser box.
Alec Beaton
Inventor & Founder
Pooch Approved Products, USA

Yes. The biodegradable bags are called Dootie Bags by Pooch Approved Products, USA. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GLXQAPS

There are 10 sample Dootie Bags that come with the GoGo Stik pooper scooper. These bags are large and were designed for a snug fit on the GoGo Stik ST scooper. They can be purchased in the 100 count dispenser box.
Alec Beaton
Inventor & Founder
Pooch Approved Products, USA

Pretty much any kind of bag works so I don’t see why a biodegradable bag wouldn’t. My preference is for ones with handle ties but others work too.
By Beverly Martin on September 12, 2019
I don’t know. I am using plastic bags from the grocery store. I love this tool!
By wordwright on September 13, 2019
I use regular plastic grocery bags.
By Connie M. Fuller on September 12, 2019

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Yes,it would work good with a German Shepherd I have a 90 pound lab. I have the standard green bags and come 100 in a box. I can get about 2 to 3 piles in one bag.
By Nemo57 on October 29, 2020
Great Question.
Another good question would be, “will the scooper be used when walking your dog or just for yard cleanup?” If using the GoGo Stik scooper on walks, the ST is most likely the best choice. That’s what I would use and what most folks prefer. Why, because the ST has a collapse-able handle and allows for easier portability. It is very light and sturdy too. The XP is slightly larger with a single non-collapse-able handle. It is great for yard cleanups. I actually use GoGo Stiks daily with my large 100 lb golden retriever.
Please contact me directly at any time if I can provide further clarification on this topic or any other regarding the GoGo Stik pooper scoopers.
Happy Scoopin’ & Catchin’!
Alec Beaton
Inventor & Founder
Pooch Approved Products, USA

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Typically yes. But to answer this correctly, it would help to know whether these bags have handles or not.

With a short bag, you’ll be able to cover the leading edge of the shovel that will be doing the scooping. You won’t totally cover the front of the shovel blade. That’s okay but remember that the bag is what keeps the tool totally clean. Make sure that you drape the bag around both side arms too. They help in keeping the bag onto the tool.
If you have handles you might be able to stuff them into the bottom orange gripper. Experiment to see if the lower or upper gripper works best for you.
If the bags have no handles, stuff the upper top of the bag closest to you into the top orange gripper.
If you need further assistance, please feel free to call me at 315.264.5210
Pooch Approved Products, USA
I have used all kinds of bags except the ones that the newspaper comes in. As long as they have a wide mouth opening, they should work.
By Rita Milam on October 18, 2017

Yes! You can even use plastic shopping bags!!!
By Gojira55 on October 17, 2017
this seems to work best with bags that have handles. if your bags do, then that size seems fine.
they probably will but may be snug. sorry but I’m bot sure.
By Ashley K Smith on October 18, 2017

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