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Article submitted by James Hall
Every animal deserves to feel loved, but it’s important for everyone to understand what actions they can take to care for – and even prevent the number of – unwanted animals. Today, Pooch Approved Products shares some tips and resources to help you do just that.
To reduce the number of unwanted animals, we must take a stand.
To stop puppy mills dead in their tracks, don't support the sale of young pets in retail stores.
Start Your Own Nonprofit
Nonprofit organizations and corporations can usually accomplish much more than individuals can on their own.
The more united we are, the more we can achieve. Moreover, we are able to take a greater stand against injustice to animals that don't deserve inhumane treatment.
● Appeal to the public for donations of any kind - every little bit helps! Ask a shelter or other nonprofit what they need and run a campaign to raise funds for those items or collect donations. Look up veterinarian-recommended pet care items in order to use donations to buy good quality items for the nonprofits.
Advocating for animals is important because they cannot ask for help themselves. In fact, finding ways to support these creatures is one of the most honorable things a person can do. Whether you start a nonprofit or join support for a currently existing organization, your effort will make a difference. No effort is too small. A walk, a donation, and starting a good cause can all make positive changes in these animals’ lives.
Pooch Approved Products seeks to make the pain and inconvenience of cleaning up pet waste a thing of the past for all. We’d love to hear from you!